
Sagiv Assulin and the Ephraimites

Don Esposito is a former Roman Catholic now Ephraimite. He lives in Israel with his wife Petra and runs a bible studies school on Kibbutz Ginosar called Hayachad.

Our curriculum is made up of classes such as The Covenants of Israel, Messianic Apologetics, Early Christianity, becoming the complete believer, functional thinking, Leadership and all from a Hebraic mindset.

At Hayahad, Biblical archeology is the cornerstone to proving to the skeptic the truth of scripture. We have had some of the top archeologists in Israel such as Avner Goren, Gaby Barkai, Danny Herman as lecturers at our school. Our students will also be blessed to see first hand ancient pottery, glass and other pieces of antiquity and to visit the ancient sites of actual digs.

Our goal at Hayahad is not only to teach our students to understand the scriptures but how to truly live by them. We are committed to get our students away from thinking from a western Greek mindset and thinking like an ancient Israelite. To this end we will have seminars on Aramaic origins of the New Testament, so students can start to understand the NT in its native aramaic tongue. We will be focusing on teaching men how to be leaders in their communities and women on how to be modest holy women, like Sarah of old. So many people will spend years of their life going to worldly learning institutions to learn secular skills that most will not even be used in the Kingdom age, don’t you think it is worth this short time to learn skills that you will take into our Heavenly Father’s Kingdom?

Esposito has teamed up with Sagiv Assulin and other Knesset members to form the B'nai Ephraim program.

Excerpt from May newsletter

Our dear friend and guest speaker Sagiv Assulin, who will be a member of the newly forming Israeli government spoke in Houston about the B’Nai Ephraim program that we will be starting in Israel.

Due to time restraints, Joel Bell will not be able to be an active part of the program and I have been chosen by the Israeli leadership to be the head sponsor of the program. Joel is going to be working on a big project that the Israeli government will be performing with Africa and actually hosted the King of Nigeria a few weeks back. Joel will be an advisor to me and I greatly appreciate his friendship and effort that he has put out to open the doors that Yahweh is using for us to walk through.

We have posted on our website the objectives for the B’Nai Ephraim program and also the subsidiary program that we will work through called “Partnering with Israel”. This will be the first test of B’Nai Ephraim to show our brother Judah our worth for building up Zion and will consist of helping with humanitarian needs that are most pressing in Israel and also that will help Yahweh’s elect there.

We are also working on setting up some exchange programs for some of you to come and volunteer in the land. I will personally be working with Sagiv Assulin and other Knesset members that will be named to working on this venture.

They are bringing a tour of Ephraimites for Shavuot and will have an official welcome home Ephraim ceremony.

We are living in these exciting days. Things are starting to develop for the right conditions for Yahweh to start this great re-gathering. In con-junction with the ending of Israel’s captivity and the preparation for their homecoming, we are sponsoring a gigantic Homecoming celebration this next Shavuot 09.

We will have an official homecoming welcome from a government official who will speak to the returning pilgrims and welcome them here. We will also have a march of all the returning pilgrims in the very first land that the 12 tribes originally entered in the Golan Heights region. We plan on having banners from all 12 tribes to participate in this march for a united Israel.

A few things you should know about the B'nai Ephraim program

"Statement of Purpose: To help educate believers in Yahshua to the requirements that it will take to come to the Land of Israel with the purpose of building up the Nation of Israel with our brother Judah."

"....Its sole purpose is to work toward recognizing the tribes of Israel and for preparing and securing the promised land of Israel."

That is preparing and securing the promised land for "their" return.

Don Esposito along with Joel Bell and other Ephraimites have given donations to Sagiv Assulin because they believe he will use his political position to pass legislation to allow for "Ephraimite" aliyah.

"I want to personally thank each and every person that donated and actively took a part in helping to bring into power people who believe in the Torah and want to keep Israel united and want to help to start to bring Ephraim home. I can’t tell you how much Segiv and Joel Bell and some of the others appreciated our efforts, and if someone still would like to donate in the next 2 weeks as there is a fairly large deficit still to make up, you can by either going to www.sagivassulin.com or by sending us a check and telling us it is for the campaign.
These people are not affiliated with the Orthodox, but do fully believe in the Torah and the promises of Yahweh to the nation of Israel."


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